Issue 6 'Body Positivity'
F*EMS Zine features visual art and writing by a bunch of awesome women & non-binary cuties. F*EMS acts as a platform to enable voices to be heard and always aims to be as inclusive and accessible as possible.
Issue 6 of F*EMS zine was curated, edited and published by Freya Alexander, Tegan Iversen and Cassandra Martin in December 2016.
This issue has the loose theme of Body Positivity.
Cover Art by Kitty Chrystal.
Contributors (in order of appearance in zine):
Kitty Chrystal, Elaine Fafard-Marconi, Sandy Hsu, Hayley Martin, Hannah McKittrick, Miranda Rogers, Romy Listo, Abbie Hoskin, Gurpreet Kaur, Alexis Winter, Lola Bartlett, Hilary Green, Sophia Munic, Brooke van der Linden, Karina Geddes, Simone Monrad, Judy McNicol, Cassandra Martin, Claire Dunaud, Beti Scott, Sarah McColl, Serene Reilly, Lavinia Roberts, Tegan Iversen, Sarah Lamanna, Claudia Phillips, Phaedra Thain, Eliza Stribling, Nani Puspasari, Nahomy Ortiz, Lily Holmes, Joana Tomé, Agustina Bonaventura, Emily Gray, Zara Sully, Lilly Taing, Phoebe Beard, Isabella Kottek, Hannah Potter, Allison Lee Felt, Chloe Henderson, Evangeline Dauber, Holly Gregory, Kalindy Williams, Anna MacNeill, Victoria Honeywill, Stella Ly, Alice Fennessy, Freya Alexander, Cathy Speed, Brigit Lambert, April JY Kim, Caroline Drogo, Emily Gilliam and Vonne Beyer.